The Mothership

Our Approach

Our parent company is a wholesale distribution company that specializes in closeouts, overstocks and excess inventory. We have found that there are many products that we can help manufacturers move to make room for new items. Our approach with e-commerce is similar in that we make recommendations based on velocity and ranking to help make the best purchase to dominate the e-tail world.

Our Story

Our mothership is United National Consumer Suppliers, or UNCS, for those who know us well. We have been a wholesale distribution company for the past 18 years and continue to find excellent deals for our Brick & Mortar clients as well as our online third-party resellers. We started thinking about the know-how and experience the past few years has presented itself to us with online sales and wanted to give valuable information to the masses at no cost. This site was created to be an educational resource for those thinking of entering the wonderful world of online sales. We want to help you have an edge with your online stores for long-term stability. We created the Amazon Reseller Network to be an informative platform to speak on all that we have learned, so that you can make the most of your e-commerce experience. 

Next Steps…

The first thing you want to do to get started is to get informed, join networking groups, and research before you decide if e-commerce is right for you.

Then, start opening your e-tail shop. There are plenty of platforms to try from eBay to Amazon, Jet to Alibaba and everything in between.

Finally, you will need to find products. One great place to start is through UNCS which you can do by visiting This portal will give you a glimpse of some of the many items available, but it’s only a small sample of what is available in the marketplace. Once registered, someone from our ecommerce team will reach out to create a specialized search based on products that you would like to sell online.

Best of Luck and Welcome to the Network!